Network Functions Virtualization
The process of decoupling network functions from hardware & running them on a software platform

Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is the process of decoupling network functions from hardware and running them on a software platform. It is a different although could be a complementary approach to software-defined networking (SDN) for network management. While both manage networks, they rely on different methods. While SDN separates the control and forwarding planes to offer a centralized view of the network, NFV primarily focuses on optimizing the network services themselves. It is a key part of cloud computing, data center networking, SD-WAN, and many others.
HyperCX NFV is designed to easily provide VNFs (Virtual Network Functions) to HyperCX cloud users. It is not designed to be a competitor of advanced, carrier-grade NFV architectures like MANO, or be feature-rich like software firewalls like PfSense. Instead, simplicity and easy of use are key design goals while maintaining a good performance for small and medium cloud deployments.
HyperCX NFV features
HyperCX NFV has been pre-loaded with the following features:
- HA support using VRRP protocol through keepalived.
- Routing among connected Virtual Networks.
- Client VPNs leveraging OpenVPN.
- Support for masquerade on private networks.
- L4 and L7 load balancing features.
- Site to Site (S2S) VPN support leveraging StronSwang.
- DDoS protection.
- SD-WAN capabilities.
All of these features can be used at the same time on a single instance, or only one per HyperCX NFV instance.