VIRTALUSTrusted globally for customer driven cloud services
Keep Your Business Up & RunningEvery MomentAutomate and enhance your business operations hassle-freeREAD MORE
Unlimited BandwidthNo Network CostDrive your business worry-free with unlimited bandwidth
and reduced latencies for faster connectivityLEARN MORE -
No Utilization ChargesJust Pay For Ram & StorageGET IN TOUCH
Hypercx Cloud is helping
clients globally to run and
automate businesses efficiently


S3 Compatible Storage

Hypercx Endpoint security

The Scale You Need
Begin with the compute and storage you need today.

Access resources you need almost instantly on your fingertips

Simple Management
Great control to manage your infrastructure as per your needs

Well-suited to your enterprise’s needs and goals
HyperCX Cloud
Power Behind the BusinessEnable increased usability and higher efficiency for the provision of enhanced performance of the deployed application workloads. HyperCX Bento, with a fully-redundant design, allows high availability (HA), providing high-grade and absolutely resilient infrastructure.

Cater All Your Cloud Application Needs
A full-stack solution that runs nearly any applicationHyperCX Bento, with a fully-redundant design, allows high availability (HA), providing high-grade and absolutely resilient infrastructure.
We’ve got everything covered
Through market diversity and our global technological capabilities, Virtalus offers best-in-class solutions tailored to market needs.
- Operating System
- Firewall and Endpoint Security
- Micro VMs
- Cloud Storage(S3 compaitable)
- Web Applications
- Load Balancer
Contact Us
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Office Hours
Working passionately 9 to 6 everyday to provide your business with the best services